Data of Construction
PV-Output: 96,39 kWh
Operation of construction: 01.10.2013 Total Degradation: 15,00 %
Power Input:
Concept of Input: Internal Consumption
For the first 20 years: 0,1347 €/kWh
Subsequently: 0,0000 €/kWh
Common Parameter of Efficiency:
Period under Review: 20 Jahre
Interest on capital: 1,50 %
All Details excluding VAT
Balance of costs:
Investments 154.224,00 €
Internal costs 462,67 €/a
Remuneration for Feeding first year 7.090,92 €/a
Economies of purchased electricity 6.811,08 €/a
Conclusion of present value method:
Capital Value 82.239,09 €
Payback period 12,6 Jahre
Return 5,7 %
Presentation of electricity to customs 0,09 €/kWh

vdb-solar offers you a costs – return - comparison, not based on the „best case“ but vdb-solar calculates in a conservative way, e. g. the to be realized return is usually higher than stated in the calculation of profitability.

Please let us show you in a personal counseling interview the advantage of a conservative calculation of profitability.